Διεκδικούμε πολιτισμικά, εθνογραφικά και ιστορικά το Μοναστήρι, Γευγελή, Στρώμνιτσα, Κρούσοβο, Αχρίδα, Πετρίτσι, Άνω Τσουμαγιά, Ανατολική Ρωμυλία,Kωνσταντινούπολη,Μ.Ασία,Πόντο,Κύπρο,Β.Ήπειρο...


Πέμπτη 3 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


"Slavic Brotherhood 2015" - A Russian, Serbian and Belorussian Military Drill Started

The military drill entitled “Slavic Brotherhood 2015” (in Russian: «Славянское братство 2015»), held at Russian soil near the Black Sea area Novorossiysk started with participation of the Russian, Serbian and Belarus troops. It is primarily a drill of the airborne units, including special operation units. The program of the drill is focused on coordinated use of airborne troops conducting warfare behind the enemy lines. The drill includes a relatively small number of troops, around 700 from all three Slavic countries, but its concept is training for coordinate attacks of atypical form between several countries, the armies of which having slightly different training and exercise methods.
In the drill several helicopters are used, several transport planes, two MiG 29 fighter aircraft and two SU-24 tactical bombers as well. The exercise shall be conducted from 2nd to 5th September.
EU strongly condemned Serbia's participation in the military exercise, a stance which was strongly rejected by Serbia's Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ivica Dačić who stated that "EU is not a military block and should mind its own business."


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